Cardiac Research

המעבדה לחקר הלב של המחלקה לניתוחי ולב
Head of the lab:
Prof Dan Aravot, M.D
Lab Manager:
Prof Edith Hochhauser Ph.D
Phone: 03-9376284, 058-6317020
    דור ידין (דוקטוראט)    
    מאיס ערו (תואר שני)    
    גויטה טלי (תואר שני)    
    ד"ר רעות שביט (תואר שני)    
    ד"ר ענבל ברוך (תואר שני)    
Research Areas:

This division is an integral part of the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery and is headed by Edith Hochhauser Ph.D. Students of Master and Ph.D degrees play an active role and conduct their research at the laboratory. The group publishes several original articles and reviews in the leading scientific literature.  Residents of various medical departments conduct their mandatory basic research program in this laboratory. Prevention and amelioration of cardiac failure as a result of cardiomyopathy are the main focus of our research. We have developed a special model of cardiomyopathy in an animal model to study drug and genetic manipulations both invivo and invitro. The research topics are conducted with collaborations of the leading cardiac researchers in Israel and abroad.

Research Topics:

1.   Cardioprotective caloric restriction  signaling pathway in attenuation of  cardiovascular risk in diabetic obese mice

2.   The role of Toll-Like Receptor 4 as mediators of cardiac dysfunction during sepsis and myocardial ischemia

3.   The role of new and old antidiabetic therapies in attenuation of diabetic cardiomyopathy

4.   Drug and gene therapy for Cardiomyopathy in Danon disease

Contact details
Hochhauzer Edit Mobile: 058-6317020
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